home of the champions

Policies & Protocols

Gymnastics Mississauga Privacy Policy

 The privacy of your personal information is crucial to Gymnastics Mississauga. We will not sell, rent, or trade your personal information to any third party. We have measures and policies in place to protect the privacy and the security of your information.


When you register for class(es) at Gymnastics Mississauga, you will provide contact information such as name, address, phone number(s), emergency contact(s), e-mail address as well as  student and family information which includes names, birthday(s), medical condition(s), and additional comments.

The fields noted with a red asterisk on the form(s) are mandatory. This information is required in order to communicate with you, to administer your membership and account, to confirm you are the correct student and family member, and to provide you with the services you have requested. The sections not marked with a red asterisk are optional. Optional information is requested to assist us in better understanding our students and families, and is used only as needed. This information will not be used or sold for any other purposes, except as herein described.


When you register you are required to enter an e-mail address and password. The combination of that e-mail account and password is used to ensure that you have access to and can modify your personal information through Gymnastics Mississauga’s Members Portal. Gymnastics Mississauga staff will also have access to your personal information to manage, process, administer, and for verification purposes on your account and membership.

Gymnastics Mississauga will access your personal information and/or share it with third parties for the following purposes: (i) to provide, improve or better our services; (ii) to affiliated organizations for competition-related activities; or (iii) if required to do so by law.

Please contact the office if you have any questions or wish to update or remove any of your personal information.  Subject to certain restrictions, you may withdraw your consent at any time and, in doing so, you are aware that Gymnastics Mississauga may not be able to provide you with services.



The following are Gymnastics Mississauga’s policies and protocols. It is essential that you read and understand this document as detailed policies and protocols will govern our relationship. References to “I” and “you” mean either yourself or the student(s) you are registering if those student(s) are under the age of 18 years old. By selecting the “I’ve read the above and agree” checkbox, you acknowledge and agree that you are signing this agreement electronically and that this electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature.

By selecting this checkbox, you are further acknowledging that (1) you have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document and (2) have read and understood it and agree to be bound by its terms.



• To facilitate the enrolment process for our members, we do not have terms or sessions. Enrollment is on-going, year-round.

• AS THERE NO TERMS OR SESSIONS, ONCE ENROLLED WE WILL CHARGE YOU MONTHLY UNTIL NOTIFIED THAT YOU WISH TO UNENROLL. To unenroll, you must email us at [email protected] by the 15th of the month to avoid paying for the following month.

• Please note that for all camps (including Summer, Winter and March) and PA days you will have the ability to register by either the daily, weekly, or monthly term desired.

• You may start or stop at any time or switch classes subject to availability.

• You are financially responsible for your monthly classes until you unenroll, regardless of attendance.

• Tuition is charged monthly on the 20th for the following month of classes.

• The Tuition is based on the number of classes per month.

• Student(s) must be the correct age for the selected program within thirty (30) days before the first class’s start date.

• Class transfers are permitted up to two (2) weeks into the start of the month or registration, provided space is available. Class transfers are not transferrable amongst students and apply only to account holders.



An annual Administration Membership Fee is applied to each student at any class or camp and includes a Gymnastics Ontario Membership Fee.

• Registration is valid between July 1 and June 30 of each calendar year.

• The Membership Fee is non-refundable and is not eligible for pro-ration.

• The Membership Fee must be paid in full at the time of registration.

• We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express & Debit Recreational Program(s): $48.50 Competitive Program(s): 

Interclub/Pre-Comp $155.00 

Provincial $295.00 

National $410.00

• If you are registering for camps/classes that begin after July 1, 2024, the student MUST pay the Membership Fee of $48.50 for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

• Additionally, a seasonal non-resident of Mississauga fee of $10 is required for every non-resident student. This fee is non-refundable.



• Payment for all programs, classes, camps, or events is to be made in full upon registration. For recreational and competitive programs, payment in full must be made at the beginning of each month.

• Classes/camps are subject to cancellation and/or rescheduling.


• Due to scheduling commitments and limited availability, there are NO REFUNDS once registered for any of our Camps (including Summer, Winter and March) or PA days. You may, however, transfer to another class or program, or request a (non-refundable) credit, but must provide at least two weeks’ notice in writing to the Club prior to the commencement of the respective camp or PA day 

• A $25 fee will be charged for each and every NSF, declined or late-payment.

• Any classes are non-refundable.



• Gymnastics equipment may only be used under coach supervision.

• Food and drink are not permitted in the gym, except for water.

• No food products made of or containing peanuts/nuts are permitted at the gym premises.

• Street shoes must be removed and left in the change room before entering the gym.

• Only students and staff may enter the gym. Parent & tot, tumbling toddlers, and all baby programs are excepted. Viewing areas are available.

• Gymnastics Mississauga reserves the right to terminate membership at any time subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Membership Agreement and Gymnastics Mississauga Handbook.

• There are no refunds or discounts for members vacationing during the season, including during the summer and March break.

• We do not offer makeup classes, refunds, or credits for any missed classes.

• We will apply a fee of $45 for each instance when your children are picked up late, starting from the second occurrence onwards.

• A $10.00 late charge will also be added for every 5 minutes you are late. If you are late more than 30 minutes without notice the Club will contact child services, and regardless of notice, shall suspend your child’s training for 10 days.

• Coaches, class times & age range are subject to change based on availability and demand. 

I understand and agree that these procedures will change and evolve over time and that I will follow any new standards required by the City of Toronto, Province of Ontario, and/or Gymnastics Mississauga. I understand that everyone at the gym will make the best efforts to maintain social distancing guidelines. However, despite these best efforts, there may be times when incidental or close contact may occur. I am aware and agree that spotting is an essential part of training and required for the gymnast’s safety to prevent injury. I, therefore, consent to having my child/children be spotted when and where necessary.


Participants/Athletes, Staff and Coaches

For Recreational Programs and Camps: 

          o Please do not be late for training. Arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled class start time.

          o Participants should enter through the main doors according to their assigned times.

          o Please wait to ensure that your child/children has/have entered the gym doors before you leave. Please do not drop off and go. Also make sure to pick-up your  

             child/children at the gym door. 

          o When entering the Gym the participants will be directed to the change rooms where they will leave their belongings.

          NOTE: Parents will not be allowed to come into the gym unless they are a participant of the kinder and/or mini-gym classes. 

          o Dress Code: T-shirts, Shorts, leggings, sport pants, leotards (optional), athletes will be bear feet inside the gym. We recommend hair in a ponytail, no jewelry for 

             safety purposes.

          o Participants should bring a water bottle.

          o A coach/staff will bring the kids to Gym Entrance after the class/camp is finished.  Make sure to familiarize yourself with the gate locations. Please note that due 

             to the heavy traffic in the Paramount Fine Food Centre and for general population safety, we will no longer be able to bring them to the Entrance C, gate 3. The 

            dismissal will be from the downstairs main Gym Entrance.

Everyone is encouraged to practicing regular hygiene (e.g., washing hands thoroughly and regularly or using hand sanitizer).  The water fountain will be allowed only to fill up your water bottle.

Practicing respiratory etiquette (e.g. covering your mouth while you cough).

Snacks and lunches will be done by cohort(s), keeping up with the physical distancing guidelines.

Athletes will need a cinch bag or a small backpack for snacks and lunch.  Kids will be assigned a coach and room for their stay to maintain social distancing. 

• Items to include in your bag: extra-masks; hand sanitizer; water bottle; 2 snacks; lunch; change of clothes; and long sleeve shirt or sweater for the movie in the gym. 

• Camps will run for a minimum of one week consecutively maintaining consistent cohorts. Cohorts will be to a maximum of 10 campers at one time.

• Please make sure to screen your child/children for Covid-19 symptoms and do not send sick kids to the classes/camps. They will be sent home. Staff will maintain the confidentiality of any person confirmed infected with Covid-19.

GM will be taking pictures of the participants during classes from time to time. These pictures may be used for promotional material for the club, including but not limited to our website, social media, newletters, etc.


Anti-Bullying and Child Protection Policies


 Enclosed within this section is:

 i. Definition of Bullying

 ii. Policy Statement

 iii. Indicators of Bullying

 iv. Code of Conduct

 v. Reporting Bullying



Provincial legislation defines bullying as a repeated aggressive behaviour where the behaviour is intended to have the effect of, causing harm, fear or distress to another individual. Bullying can take many forms, including physical, psychological, social or harm to an individual’s reputation or property. The bullying may also create a negative environment for an individual. Bullying may occur in a relationship where there is a real or perceived power imbalance including but not limited to factors such as size, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and religion.



 Cyberbullying occurs when a student engages in bullying behaviour electronically, and includes activities such as: creating a web page or a blog while pretending to be someone else; impersonating another person as the author of posted content or messages; communicating material or messages to more than one person intended to cause a person harm; or posting material or messages on an electronic platform (such as but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc) that can be accessed by one or more persons and intended to cause a person harm.

 Harassment is any vexatious behaviour that is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome and that:

 i. Takes the form of repeated conduct which could reasonably be regarded as intending to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate;

 ii. Affects the student, athlete or employee’s dignity, or psychological or physical integrity; and/or

 iii. Results in a harmful environment.

 Examples of bullying/ harassment include, but are not limited to, the following:

 a) Berating/belittling an individual;

 b) Repeated unwanted criticism;

 c) Undermining or deliberately impeding a person’s work;

 d) Spreading malicious rumours or gossip that is not true; and/or

 e) Physical gestures intended to intimidate, offend, degrade, or humiliate an individual.



Gymnastics Mississauga is committed to fostering an environment free of bullying, harassment, and all intimidating behaviour directed towards its’ students, athletes, staff and visitors. To that end, all guests and employees ought not to be subjected to bullying or harassment based on but not limited to the following: race; nationality; ethnicity; colour; religion; age; sex; sexual orientation; marital status; family status; or disability. Bullying and harassment at Gymnastics Mississauga is not tolerated and strictly prohibited.

Employees or guests of Gymnastics Mississauga who are found to have bullied another individual may be subject to disciplinary action up to an including suspension(s) and termination of services. Disciplinary action(s) may also be taken against any employee who: interferes with the resolution of a bullying complaint; retaliates against an individual for filing a bullying complaint; or files an unfounded bullying complaint intended to cause harm.



The following are indicators of bullying & Harassment: 

a) A physical injury where the explanations given are inconsistent;

b) Another person raises concern about the well-being of a child or young person;

c) Unexplained changes in behaviour such as a child becoming withdrawn, quiet , aggressive or verbally violent; and

d) The child, young or adult person discloses a concern and describes what may be an abusive act.



At Gymnastics Mississauga we are committed to providing our employees, program participants and visitors a safe, respectful and courteous environment. We expect the same in return from our guests.

To maintain a safe environment for all, we expect that you do not participate in any behaviour such as swearing, shouting, or physical aggression towards staff or others using the facility.

Conduct of this nature by members and visitors will not be tolerated and will be asked to leave. Refusal to leave may result in staff contacting security and/or police and the issuing of a Trespass Notice prohibiting you from returning to the Club.

Further disciplinary measures may also be implemented, including but not limited to suspension and termination of services.

Thank you for helping us keep our centre a safe and respectful place for all.



Gymnastics Mississauga encourages the reporting of all incidents of bullying, regardless of who the alleged offender(s) might be.

All employees, program participants and visitors ought not be subjected to reprisals or threatened reprisals for refusing to accept bullying in any form or for making a formal complaint or for cooperating in any investigation.


How to Report Bullying & Harassment:

Employees, program participants and visitors can report incidents or complaints of bullying verbally or in writing. 

 The report of the allegation(s) should include the following information:

1. Name(s) of the person who has allegedly experienced bullying and contact information;

 2. Name(s) of (any) alleged bully(s), position and contact information (if known);

 3. Names of the witness(es) (if any) or other person(s) with relevant information to provide and contact information (if known);

 4. Details of what happened including date(s), frequency and location(s) of the alleged incident(s);

 5. Any supporting documents the person who complains of may have in his/her possession that are relevant to the complaint; and

 6. List any documents a witness, another person may have in their possession that are relevant to the complaint.

 Who to Report Bullying & Harassment To:

 An incident or a complaint of bullying should be reported as soon as possible after experiencing or witnessing an incident. This allows the incident to be investigated in a timely manner. 

 Complainants are encouraged to report any incidents or complaints to their immediate coach or supervisor. If the coach or supervisor is the person engaging in the bullying, contact the Executive Director via [email protected]

 The Executive Director shall be notified of the workplace harassment incident or complaint so that they can ensure an investigation is conducted that is appropriate in the circumstances. 

 The Executive Director will be responsible for investigating, assigning the investigation, or for retaining an external investigator to investigate the specific complaint promptly. 



 1. Commitment to Investigate 

 The Executive Director will ensure that an investigation appropriate in the circumstances is conducted when they, or any manager or supervisor receives a complaint of workplace harassment. Complaints or incidents of workplace harassment will be investigated in a fair, respectful and timely manner.

 2. Who Will Investigate

 The Executive Director will determine who will conduct the investigation into the incident or complaint. Depending on the allegations and the people involved, the investigation may be referred to an external investigator to conduct an impartial investigation. Whether the Executive Director elects to retain an external consultant is in their sole discretion.

 3. Timing of the Investigation

 The investigation must be completed in a timely manner and generally within 90 days or less unless there are extenuating circumstances (i.e. illness, complex investigation, pandemic) warranting a longer investigation.

 4. Results of the Investigation

 After an investigation is completed, the parties to a complaint may be informed in writing of the results of the investigation and any corrective action taken or that will be taken. Unless obligated by law, the complainant(s) are not entitled to the full Report prepared by the Executive Director or external investigator.

 5. Confidentiality

 Information about complaints and incidents shall be kept confidential to the extent possible. Information obtained about an incident or complaint of workplace harassment, including identifying information about any individuals involved, will not be disclosed unless disclosure is necessary to protect employees, to investigate the complaint or incident, to take corrective action or otherwise as required by law.



 Enclosed within this section is:

 i. Definitions of child, safety and abuse

 ii. Policy Statement

 iii. Application

 iv. Responsibilities

 v. Procedure




• A minor can be best described as an individual/person under the age of majority (18)

• An infant or person who is under the age of legal competence


• Freedom from the occurrence of all unlikely danger, risk, harm or injury


Physical Abuse:

o Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, harming with the use of an object or otherwise causing physical harm

Emotional Abuse:

o Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment, such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development

Sexual Abuse:

o Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child, unwanted physical contact or a sexual nature or young person to take part in sexual activities, including prostitution, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening


o Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may involve a parent or caregiver fails to meet basic needs.



Gymnastics Mississauga has an obligation to protect all children/minors who participate in any gymnastics program offered by the gym. To that end, the Club ensures that children/minors have a positive learning experience and that their growth is not stunted by abuse due to a Gymnastics Mississauga employee’s willful actions.

 This policy aims to protect all children/minors of Gymnastics Mississauga participating in any programs offered by the gym from all forms of harm and danger that may be inflicted by a person in a position of trust and authority (coaches, and all other employees), as well as their fellow peers.

 Employees and visitors of Gymnastics Mississauga who are found to have been in breach of the Child Protection Policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to an including suspension(s) and termination of services. Severe disciplinary action(s) may also be taken against any employee who: willfully physically or verbally abuses a child; fails to report a witnessed case of abuse while on the property of Gymnastics Mississauga; or intimidates a person who files a complaint of abuse. 



 This Child Protection Policy applies to all employees of Gymnastics Mississauga, volunteers, and guests. This policy also applies to job applicants. This policy applies to all behaviour that is in some way connected to work, including during off-site meetings, training, and on business trips.



 Gymnastics Mississauga is responsible for:

 a) Enforcing child safety procedures; and

 b) Ensure students, athletes, employees and visitors are safe from harm or danger within the Gymnastics Mississauga facility.

Employees are responsible for:

a) Adhering the Child Protection Policy;

b) Protecting all children and athletes from harm or injury; and

c) Reporting any witnessed case of (potential) neglect or (potential) abuse.


Safety Procedure(s):


Vulnerable Police Check

Gymnastics Mississauga requires that all new employees and volunteers hired on a full-time, part-time or casual basis complete a vulnerable police check before being offered a contract or having the opportunity to work with an athlete.

Once hired employees and volunteers are required to complete an updated vulnerable police check annually. Due to legislative restrictions, for those employees under legal age they are required to sign a contract where they voluntarily release that they do not have a criminal record.


Release/Door Protocol

To ensure the safety of all participating athletes Gymnastics Mississauga utilizes a door protocol. It is a mandatory requirement that after every class a supervisor/coach releases each athlete to the parent on file or to the individual on file that has been authorized by the parent to pick up their child in their absence. 

A Parent requesting and giving authorization of another individual to pick their child in their absence is required to sign a permission form provided by Gymnastics Mississauga.


Basic CPR & First Aid Training

All Gymnastics Mississauga senior coaches, Supervisors and Management are required to attend a mandatory, free of charge, two (2) day basic CPR & First Aid Training course provided by Gymnastics Mississauga to educate themselves on basic life-saving skills. All staff are to be re-certified after two years.



Each coach is held accountable for all athletes assigned to them within the Gymnastics Mississauga premises and while participating in events outside of the facility. Coaches are always to ensure the athletes are safe and free from all harm and danger.



All observed and reported breach(es) of Gymnastics Mississauga, Child Protection Policy by staff, volunteers, athletes or visitors will be diligently investigated by the Executive Director, or external investigator at the discretion of the Executive Director. If the Executive Director is the subject of a complaint than an external investigator shall be appointed.  

Enrich your child's life today.


5600 Rose Cherry Pl, Mississauga, ON L4Z 4B6

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(905) 270-6161